Body Sculpting How-Tos

How To: Make your waist smaller with an abdominal exercise

In this video from fatlosslifestyle we learn how to get a smaller waist and to burn belly fat. In this exercise he is lying down, bending the knees. You are creating a vacuum in a sense. You take a deep breath in forcing your belly button to push up towards the ceiling, then as you blow the air out, feel your belly button going down. When you have 3/4 of the air out, hold your breath, and suck in through your throat with your breath being held. Visualize your organs going up into your diaphra...

How To: Do a BOSU ball leg workout

Three movements on the bosu ball will challenge your balance and stability. They will also build strength in your lower body. First, warm up. Then, do a simple back squat on the bosu ball. Stand on the bosu ball with our feet in front of you, extend your arms, and squat. Do eight to ten repetitions. Then, do a one legged squat. Place one foot in the middle of the ball and extend the other leg back. Squat down and up. Do ten to twelve repetitions. The final exercise is a lateral one legged squ...

How To: Perform a great exercise for your chest and pec muscle

This man shows how to focus on your chest and triceps when doing dips. He begins with a piece of equipment called the Roman Chair. Lift yourself up onto the chair. Bend your knees before you begin to lower yourself into the dip. As you slowly move down into the dip keep your elbows out to the side and your chin on your chest. This will help put the focus of the exercise on the muscles in your chest. To change the focus of the exercise from the chest to the triceps, you want to keep your body ...

How To: Do a workout for runners that will increase speed

In this video from yelkaim1 we learn how to do a workout for runners that will increase speed. Lateral lunges are important in running. It prevents knee related issues with runners. Drop the weight straight down on the inside of the ankle. Do this exercise on both legs. The plank as well is great for runners. Keep your abdominals tight. That's the key to this movement. Another exercise is one leg alternating bicep curls. Anytime on one leg you are doing a great core exercise. Next is a side b...

How To: Get a sexy bod w/ celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson

In this video from PEOPLE celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson shows us how to get a sexy body and keep it that way! First exercise is with your feet a little wider than shoulder length apart and bend and straighten. Do as many as you can. Try not to take breaks. Do up to 100. Next exercise is the butt pulse. Grab a chair and straighten your leg behind you holding yourself up by grabbing the chair. Lift the leg as high as you can and make little tiny pulses towards the ceiling. Next is the outer ...

How To: Get bigger hips and buttocks

This video is a short to the point video about how to get a fab bottom! This video is aimed at both men and women who want a toned bottom and thighs. Work out the healthy way with this informative video on how to exercise to get the body you want. If you are worried about your lack of booty or wobbly thighs, this video is the one for you. As part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle this video is for you. And its so simple. All you have to do is walk like a cat, the video shows a man doing ...

How To: Do the "Spiderman dumbbell curl" for your biceps

In this video tutorial, viewers will learn how perform the "Spiderman dumbbell curl". The name refers to the similar stance that Spiderman makes when she shoots webs. This exercise targets the bicep muscles. It will stimulate your body to gain muscle and lose fat. Start by sitting on an incline bench. Chest should be open, keep entire upper arm stationary, bring in palms, push elbows back a bit and palms should be facing towards shoulders. The exercise should be done slowly with 3 second posi...

How To: Build massive chest muscles with the dumbell press

If you're tired of getting sand kicked in your face at the beach because of your tiny chest muscles then the dumbell press exercise is for you. This professional tutorial demonstrates the simple workout that can build up your pectoral muscles in a healthy manner. The dumbell bench press is an awesome functional, athletic movement for you athletes. You will work the target muscle better by visualizing the target muscle. Go slow (a 3-1-3 tempo), and visualize that you are squeezing water out of...

How To: Get over the cold naturally by eating the right foods

This how to video shows how to fight a cold naturally or how to get over an infection. When you get a cold, there is an imbalance with your blood PH or an outside invader such as a virus. Some tips to get yourself feeling better are to boost your immune system with herbal supplements and getting a good source of protein. Protein helps to form antibodies, and without a good source of protein your body loses that source of protection. This video shows that the best source of protein is meat and...

How To: Do cable crossovers

Make sure to get a complete upper body workout and add cable crossovers to your exercise routine. These crossovers can be done at varying angles to work a variety of chest and arm muscles without changing machines. Your pecs will thank you.

How To: Get ripped abs using two towels

Who would've guess you can clean your floors and exercise at the same time? Not to say that housecleaning isn't a workout in itself, but a real workout, a real intense workout, you can't get mopping or dusting. See how to get ripped abs doing this easy abdominal exercise in your house. You will actually get six pack abs and clean your house at the same time.

How To: Do ab exercises for beginners

This video from fitness trainer Yuri Elkaim demonstrates a core workout for the absolute beginner. These exercises are good for people who have never worked out or who have sore back. He explains abdominal bracing, which adds stability to the core and spine, and works the muscles by contracting them. The first exercise is a bird dog. Get on your hands and knees and relax your spine and do an abdominal brace. Clench one fist and put that arm and the opposite leg out to the side, hold for five ...

How To: Measure your body fat

One of the easiest ways to measure body fat is by using hydrostatic weighing. It is based on Archimedes' principle, the law of buoyancy. It works by calculating body fat from measuring the amount of displaced water after a person has been immersed under water. Since muscle is denser than body fat, a person who has more muscle will displace less water than a person of the same weight with more body fat. This test is usually performed for a couple times for averaging accuracy. If the test is do...

How To: Get six pack abs through bench crunches

Six pack abs are possible, if you put in the time and work. This instructional video demonstrates simple exercises you can do to sculpt your abs. Rememeber, abs don't just happen over night, but stick to it. Llittle can compare with the satisfaction of looking down at your own washboard stomach.

How To: Do an outdoor fat burning workout

Personal fitness coach Yuri Elkaim demonstrates how to do an outdoor fat burning workout. You'll need a rubber exercise band and a tree or a pole for the workout. First, warm up by going for a 5-minute jog. Then do a 30-second squat press. Next, do a 30-second set of pushups. From there, attach the exercise band to a tree, squat into a sitting position and extend the band to you. Do this exercise for 30 seconds. Add a speed skating motion for 30 seconds. Do the four exercises for 30 seconds e...

How To: Lose weight with a healthy after workout meal

Darin Steen of Major League Health explains how to lose weight with a healthy meal after a workout. What you put in your mouth composes 70% to 80% of fitness fat loss gain. Meals that you eat after intense workout sessions are very important. Eat a meal that is predigested and absorbed quickly like whey protein and a banana. Eat your meal 30 minutes to 60 minutes after your workout. For people weighing 120 pounds to 140 pounds, use 15 grams of whey protein and a half of a banana. For people w...

How To: Do exercises with resistance bands

The resistance band is great, because you can use it at home or even when you're traveling. This how-to video will show you what you need to do in order to put together a resistance band training program. This kind of workout will help you burn a lot of calories and fat! The first exercise is called "Squad Press": step on the resistance band with both of your feet, then drop down to a squad, onto the heels, the push up and lift the resistance band as high as possible. Watch this how-to instru...

How To: Do the "super abs" workout

This video shows you how to perform a superset of abdominal exercises. The instructor calls this workout the Super Abs workout. The 1st exercise is dumbbell crunches. To perform dumbbell crunches , lay flat on a stability ball with a suitable weight held behind your head and do normal crunches. Do not jerk your neck. Do up to 15-25 reps. Next exercise is hanging knee raises. You hang onto a pull-up bar and raise your knees up to your chest. Do 15-25 reps. The 3rd exercise is ball roll-ins. Pl...

How To: Get bigger buttocks through simple exercise

BeforeAndAfterTV teaches you how to get bigger buttocks through simple exercises. You can do these exercises pretty much anywhere. All you will need is a yoga mat. Here is how to get started: lie with your back against the mat, put your hands against your sides, head back and lift your hips, the feet being on the ground. You will have to lift your hips as high as you can and hold it up for about 3 seconds. For an advanced exercise you can have one leg up in the air and lift the hip. For the s...

How To: Work your lower abs with a hanging leg raise

It's never a bad time to get excellent abs. This instructional video demonstrates how to exercise your lower abdominal muscles with hanging leg raises. This routine is especially effective because it maximizes spinal flexion and extension. The focus of the exercise should be about rolling the hips up to generate an abdominal contraction, then returning to a good lumbar curve to relax and stretch out the abs. A good stretch at the end range of motion allows for a better workout and builds flex...

How To: Work out your lower abs in five easy exercises

Perfect lower abdominal muscles really complete a tight, healthy stomach. This instructional video teaches you five separate methods of isolating your lower abs. This tutorial demonstrates exercises such as rock-backs, direct hip rotations, ab lifts, modified leg lifts, and lying hip thrusts. Once you combine each method in a regular routine, you'll have awesome lower abs in no time.

How To: Do alternate heel touches to lose love handles

This video demonstrates an easy exercise, that anyone can do at home to get rid of love handles and improve overall physique. Lying down on the floor, you must bend your knees and keep your feet 18 to 24 inches apart. With your arms straight down on the side of your body, crunch forward and to the side a few inches, reaching for your left heel with your left hand. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the other side. This is one repetition. This video is a good visual dem...

How To: Get defined abs through breathing exercises

This video shows various exercises to define your abs. These exercises involve breathing techniques. They utilize the breath to reduce your waist and develop perfect abs. The video starts with easy exercises like sucking your belly in. This exercise has to be done for five seconds in the beginning, and later increasing it to a full minute when you are comfortable with it. The video then goes through variations of this exercise. The video is very simple to understand.

How To: Do a BOSU ball squat thrust

This video shows you how to perform a BOSU ball squat thrust. A beginner and a more advanced version of this exercise are both shown. First you put the BOSU on the ground flat side up and you reach down and grab the sides of the BOSU. You then kick your legs out into a push-up position, do a push-up and then stand back up. You finish the exercise by lifting the BOSU ball over your head. You should do 3 sets of 10 reps of this exercise.

How To: Do a beginner 20 minute workout with Joel Harper

Lose weight and tone up by following this 20 minute beginner workout daily. Joel Harper and his assistant Michelle demonstrate how to loosen up your body by doing various stretches. The more you warm your body up the better of a workout you will have. You can hold the poses shown to build your muscle and stamina up. Since muscles burn more calories than fat you will burn more calories during the day by building up your muscles. Great workout for beginners or for a warm up workout for advanced...

How To: Do a 10 min resistance workout with Joel Harper

This video shows advance resistance workout for lower body and abs. This is a level 2 band work out video. To do this you need the bands. First wrap the bands tightly around both of your hands. In the first exercise to do the butt blaster go into a cat position. Hold the bands in between your feet and you hands and start kicking your legs back in the air. The instructor shows how this exercise helps to workout the lower body. You should at lest do a couple of this kicks to achieve any reasona...

How To: Get a six pack in 3 minutes

This fast ab routine shows you how to get a six pack in less than four minutes using nothing but your couch within 2-3 weeks. Please consult your physician before you begin this program. This program guarantees results if you strictly follow the few routines. The first routine is shown in this video where you have to do a series of short bursts of exercises including crunches interlaced with static pauses and breaks as shown in the video. The following routines to be performed can be found on...

How To: Remove calluses for bodybuilders

Calluses can become a big problem for weightlifters, which is caused by not wearing gloves when you're lifting weights. The friction between the hand and the bar caused by the movement and weight is the factor for getting a callus. Easy way to remove them is using a product called Calluses and scab remover. Apply liberally to spots making sure not to miss any spots. Allow to sit for one to two days and then presto you should see that your calluses have regressed or disappeared completely.

How To: Get strong abs doing old school playground exercises

You can get strong ripped abs by letting your inner child loose! By combining playground exercises and cardio you can have washboard abs that you are proud of. This video shows how to properly execute playground type exercises such as pull-ups to strengthen your arms and push ups to work your arms, back and chest. Follow along to find other quick and easy exercises that you can incorporate into your every day life to get the body you've always desired!

How To: Get tight abs by running up a hill

In this video, Scott Colby shows you a four minute workout that will get you in great shape. All you need is a hill and some tennis shoes as simple as that. He shows you different exercises you can do, all going uphill. A few examples of the different exercises are sprints, walking push-ups, and bear crawls. The object is to continuously do them uphill then walk downhill, kind of like a circuit training. If you follow this routine you should most certainly get awesome results!

How To: Do hanging leg raises

Do you want to get fit? Do you want abs? With this video, you will be one step closer. In this video, the viewers will be taught how to do hanging leg raises, which is a great exercise for the abdominal muscles. The viewers should hang from a pull up bar and their legs should slowly pivot at their hip. The body should be motionless and this action should be performed slowly. For more difficulty, the viewer can hold weights between their legs.

How To: Tone abs with a wood-chopper exercise

The "wood-chopper" isn't just for lumberjacks. You can get the full woodsman workout yourself, without the axe! Men's Health shows you how to do the wood-chopper exercise, and when you power through this move, your upper and lower body, along with your core muscles, are working to the max.