Hot Body Sculpting How-Tos

How To: Do a bodybuilding 45 minute back workout

Here is a killer 45 minute back workout that you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells and a pullup bar. This is a back (lats,latissimus dorsi)workout for the advanced bodybuilder. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured.

How To: Do a bodybuilding crunch exercise for 6-pack abs

Don't let the TV ads convince you to buy some bulky contraption that will gather dust in your closet, crunches are safe and effective! This how-to video shows how to do crunches with varying degrees of difficulty based on your ability. Remember that ab exercises alone will not give you abs! If you have the best abs in the world they will be completely invisible if you are overweight. Aerobic exercise and proper diet are even more important than ab exercises in getting that sought after 6-pack...

How To: Do bodybuilding pull-ups with added resistance

This Scooby's Workshop video shows how to add resistance to make pull-ups more difficult. This is the key exercise for building your lats if you are doing home workouts. You can also use a weight lifting belt and chain to hold the weight while doing these pull-ups. Wait till you can do at least 12 reps with strict form before you start adding weight.

How To: Do the bodybuilding incline superset exercise

Here is a great chest superset you can do at home with a cheap dumbbell set. Big gyms are nice but when you can get a killer workout at home without the overhead of getting to and from the gym. In this chest superset I am going to do incline press followed immediately by an incline fly variant. Make sure and use a really light weight on the flys so you can maintain good form.

How To: Do the bodybuilding incline dumbbell fly for chest

This Scooby's Workshop video shows proper form of the incline dumbbell fly exercise for pecs. Fly type exercises have done far more for my pec development than the pushing type exercises. In doing flys, make sure that your arms do NOT go behind the plane of your body as this puts too much stress on the shoulder joint. If you don't have a incline bench, you can make one as I have done here by tying a 2x8 securely to a coffee table. This exercise is best done with a spotter for safety, if you m...

How To: Do push ups for bodybuilding

In Scooby's opinion, pushups are the #1 best exercise you can do! They are simple to do and are a great upper body workout for the complete beginner or the advanced bodybuilder. You can get a complete upper body workout by combining these pushups with crunches and pullups, all of which can be done easily at home.

How To: Do a killer home chest workout

Here is a great chest workout you can do at home with a cheap dumbbell set. Big gyms are nice but when you can get a killer workout at home without the overhead of getting to and from the gym. In this chest workout we are going to do pushups, then with no rest immediately do flys, then with no rest immediately do dumbbell press. Make sure and use a much lighter weight than you usually would on the flys and dumbbell press because after the pushups you wont have much left in you. After doing th...

How To: Do bodybuilding lunges

Lunges are a great whole leg workout that you can do at home with simple, inexpensive equipment. This Scooby's Workshop video shows proper form of this exercise. If you have a history of knee problems you should not attempt this unless under the direct supervision of your physical therapist.

How To: Lift a heavy cooler without hurting your back

Fitness trainer Sonny Wang shows you how to lift a heavy cooler properly so you don't hurt your back. Then, he gives a couple of exercises you can do at the beach or park to strengthen your back and abs. One of the exercises uses the cooler. Sonny is a fitness trainer and guest host of "Fitness on the Beach" which is produced by Santa Barbara Internet TV. Lift a heavy cooler without hurting your back.

How To: Get rid of man boobs forever

Moobs, man boobs, gynecomastia, or whatever you want to call it, is a widespread problem for men everywhere. It can cripple self confidence and stop men from enjoying day to day activities. This video gives you some top tips for saying goodbye to man breasts forever. Get rid of man boobs forever.