Lady Gaga is definitely in shape. No one can deny that. But how does she do it? How does pop music's most popular artist stay in perfect shape? How does she get those great looking abs?!?
As busy as Lady Gaga may be, she always finds the time for a short exercise routine. Her routine only calls for 30 minutes a day, 4 to 5 times a week. That's it. That's how long it takes her to get those flat abs and stay in shape! Sarah Dussault of Sarah Fit shares Lady Gaga's secret in this exercise video. Watch and learn!
Lady Gaga's total body fitness routine was created by her personal trainer Harley Pasternak, and can be done by everyone. First, she starts with a 5-minute light jog for warmup. Then she completes 3 sets of 25 reps on the following moves:
1. Deadlifts (which target your hamstrings, thighs and butt)
2. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (which trains your upper back and posture muscles)
3. Sides bends (which work your love handles and obliques)
Then, finish off your workout by doing some extra abdominal moves. Do all of these in a row, each one for 12 reps.
1. Classic Crunch
2. Reverse Crunch
3. Double Crunch
4. Bicycle Crunch
Lastly, finish off with 5 minutes of skipping or jumping rope (or jump roping, however you say it). And that's it. About 30 minutes worth of exercise! And that's how Lady Gaga stays in shape.
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